Saturday, March 5, 2011

goose bump

Today 05-march 2011 12.30am...I really feel the goose bump seriously... I won't forget this feeling FOREVER!!! The story goes like this, as usual one of my old friend is approaching me for chatting. So we chat for quite long time(ps: she told me earlier that she is actually lesbian). And tonight once again she approach me to chat again, and we chat for quite a long hour this time. Slowly slowly she suddenly ask me 2 become her gf..I uncomfortable..for so many times I indirectly tell her that we r actually juz the end I told her I'm sleepy and end of our conversation 4 to9...hopefully she won't put on hope again pls..I had enough

'Fruitfull' February 2011

10 feb 2011- Maybank account being hacked...5k GONE!!! sad for whole week, cry for whole week..parents caring call un stop for whole week..and now finally I'm recover from sadness due to.... 21feb 2011-Get my dream job at Mewah Oil Group as QA Executive..from what I understand from my next manager is I required to travel oftenly..hmm..can;t wait for it.. unforgetfull month

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Happy CNY... can't wait for new year.. the festival which I like the most.. gathering with friends and family members once in a year.. hope this year will be different 1

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


我没有必要和你报告我的行踪!! 我不是你的谁!! 我也没兴趣知道你们之间的事情。。 烦死了

Sunday, November 14, 2010


不停的邀约。。 让我不知不觉地有恐惧感。。 我讨厌我自己。。 我到底要的是什么?

Thursday, October 28, 2010


最近。。发生了太多太多的事情。。 让我差点溺熄。。我呼不到吸。。 人在短时间内接触太多惊人的事件。。 的确会让人接受不了。。 那一幕。。让我毕生难忘。。 到我死。。。都会记得。。 我发现。。我的人生充满了戏剧化。。 可都是负面的。。 *感叹世界